Village Life
Landscape and soil conditions were the keys to village structures and the forms of agricultural exploitation.
Village structures and their social regimes.
Confessions and village life. (Evangelical and Calvinists, Jews, Catholics, Mennonites and dissenting Protestants.)
Wurten (Warfen)
Moor colonies
Occupation and agricultural data by Kreis
Livestock markets.
Settlement Types
Village typology based on housing pattern
Einzelhof (farmstead) = present on new and old Marsch, Geest, and low Moor.
Haufensiedlung (cluster village) = old Marsch, interior of Geest, none on Moor.
Reihen- or Hufensiedlung (row or chain village) = new Marsch, west side of East Frisian Geest, the high Moor.
Schwarmsiedlung (dispersed village) = Geest and high Moor.
Fehnsiedlung (fen village) = on High Moor.
Village typology based on field (Flur) form
Reihenform = Hufendorf (in Marsch, Marschhufendorf, ex. Landschaftspolder).
Reihenform on Geest = long, narrow, rectangular fields (called "Upstreet"); was a late medieval colonization form common along Weser and Elbe coast.
Blockform = Haufendorf (or Warfdorf)
Kämpe = Geesthaufensiedlung (also called Gaste).
Fehnform = on High Moor, rectangular, more broad than wide, not greater than 10 ha. differs from Reihenform in that it has canals.
Village typology based on shape
Runddorf (i.e, Rysum) = a special subset of Haufendorf with a round format.
Länglich-rundendorf = a special subset of Haufendorf with an oval format (i.e., Hamswehrum).
Fehnkolonie = a Reihendorf situated along a canal with secondary canals (Wiecken) for property lines
Size and distribution of villages by landscape type in Ostfriesland
area square km % settlements number %
Marsch 1137.06 36.6 570 43.0
Geest 1091.25 35.1 631 47.7
Moor 764.04 24.5 108 8.2
Inseln 118.13 3.8 15 1.1
TOTAL 3110.48 100 1324 100
Distribution of population by settlement size in Ostfriesland
settlement size population percentage
individual 1 - 50 772 58.3
small 51 - 1000 524 39.6
medium 1001 - 2000 161 1.2
large 2001 - 5000 8 0.6
largest > 5000 4 0.3
Distribution of population by landscape type in Ostfriesland
settlement size Marsch Geest Moor Inseln
# % # % # % # %
individual 417 73.2 329 52.1 18 16.7 8 53.3
small 149 26.0 288 45.7 82 75.9 5 33.3
medium 2 0.4 9 1.4 6 5.6 0 0
large 1 0.2 2 0.3 2 1.8 2 13.4
largest 1 0.2 3 0.5 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 570 100 631 100 108 100 15 100
population 71,670 29 124,701 50 43,677 17.5 8,724 3.5